“When we are no longer able to change a situation,
we are challenged to change ourselves.”
– Viktor E. Frankl

Useful links

If you would like to explore many counselling options and information available out there, here you can find some of the useful links:

Online Therapist Directories

  • LPA – find a psychologist in Lithuanian Psychological Association directory
  • Psichika.eu – therapist directory, psychology articles


  • Nebenoriu lošti – information, advice,
    for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling
  • Vilties švyturys – rehabilitation community for people with alcohol and drug addictions
  • Sugrįžimas – rehabilitation community for people with addictions
  • Vilniaus Priklausomybių Ligų Centras – largest healthcare and psychosocial support centre for people whose lives are affected by drug, alcohol or tobacco addiction issues


12 Step Groups

Help Lines

  • Youth Line – free emotional support by internet and telephone 8 800 28888
  • Child Line – free and anonymous help to the children and teenagers by phone and online 116 111
  • Hope Line – free emotional support for adults by phone and email 116 123
  • Help for Women – free 24hr support line for women by women by telephone 8 800 66366
  • Linija Doverija – free anonymous support in Russian by phone 8 800 77277
  • Krizių Įveikimo Centras  support, crisis intervention, Skype sessions, first session is free