Taking a leap of faith

Taking a leap of faith
It seems that you have been preparing yourself for this step for so long that only now you have woken up to find yourself in mid-air, feeling the real gravity of what had actually happened. Perhaps you find yourself suspended and overwhelmed by anxiety and the fear of the unknown, as you have not yet landed on the other side. It was not actually a step it was a giant leap.
You could have been pushed by your work situation to finally quit or family troubles have urged you to make a move that you were resisting. Perhaps you had been stuck for so long that you dreaded the thought of leaving the comfort of your life for another option? Something was not working, something had finished, and it had run its course. Now here you are one way or another taking a leap of faith. You have left the known and jumped into the great unknown were nothing is certain and nothing can probably yet be guaranteed.
This time is a great test as you might be most prone to emotions of low self-worth, questioning the meaning of your life, its purpose, and your own belief in your abilities to survive this daring time. It is most challenging to find yourself above the potential abyss feeling the fear but not letting it fully take over you. It is important to not abandon yourself, but instead keep holding your own hand so that you keep faith in finding your ground and landing safely on the other side. This is not easy to accomplish but it is important to find your own support system so that you can learn to hold space for all the shaky and dark thoughts that may definitely arise.
As you are leaping, still holding your head straight and trying mostly to be looking forward it is important to keep asking yourself certain questions:
  • How can I best support myself now? What help is available to me?
  • What new is potentially being born for me? What do I need to be different in my life? What do I want to create for myself?
  • What skills do I have that can get me where I want to be? What abilities may I invest in and develop more that could help me with my new beginning?
It is a time of great transition and potential where you can find new energies in you that lied dormant before, which you did not believe you own. You can find faith in you, your abilities, perhaps a new vision of your life. This is change in its real sense and leap of faith is a raw change in action. It is your chance, but it also is your challenge.
Perhaps when the time is right or if you feel strong enough, simultaneously you might want to think about:
  • How can I best process what had happened and what am I leaving behind? What has not worked that I had to make this leap?
  • What old life, behaviors or patterns am I leaving?
  • What can I learn from the past so that I can create better next time?
If by the end of this post you can sense into the image of yourself taking a leap from one side of the cliff over the dark abyss to another side that is exactly what I wanted you to get in touch with. So don’t get stagnated and hover over the dark for too long as it would be another way of resisting. Instead try to embrace the movement of change. Be mindful, inquisitive, glide lightly with care and attentiveness to yourself. Hold positive faith that there is the other side where you will land, stronger and more confident than ever before, because the experience has taught you just that.